Jason & Tracy
The guy that motivates maturity in our travel group despite being the youngest. The girl that inspires our circle with deep conversations and real world issues. Both Carlo and Angela are what people my age should aim to be. Humans of substance, passionate about changing what they believe in, respectable in their field and a refreshing voice of reason. Tracy and I always talk about how Carlo has it all figured out. Every move is impact, yet, a fun; chill guy to be around. Carlo knows how to work, and play hard. His adventurous spirit is equally run by his passionate advocacies. We always kid around that our travel group is probably Carlo's meditation ground when he turns off his brain. We are mere mortals. HAHA
And when we met Angela, that's when we knew that obviously a guy like Carlo would fit perfectly with Angela's enthusiasm, energy, passion and empathy. Angela is a ball of enthusiasm that could make a conversation run for hours. The best part is she always has something interesting to say --a friendly debate, an observation, a challenge and a good laughter.
It is truly an honor for both Tracy and I to have such friends that drive us to be better human beings. To be more conscious of real issues and to be a solver, not just a well thought out opinion. And we are so happy that you two are finally tying the knot and taking over the world together. We wish you guys more travels and bonding parties, the happiest of marriage, the love that chooses each other, the pursuit of change, and the power to do it.
-Trace and Jase